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"Opinions and Diagnoses"

no 32
POLES ABOUT "OTHERS". Attitude toward Other Nations, National and Ethnic Minorities, Migrants and Refugees

no 33
Elections 2015


Opinions About Job Market and Threat of Unemployment
Evaluations and Forecasts of Economic Situation and Living Conditions of Households in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary
Opinions about Abortion
Poles about Explaining of the Smolensk Air Disaster on the Eve of Its 6th Anniversary
Attitudes Towards Other Nations
Attitudes towards Refugees in Poland and Czech Republic
Party Preferences in the First Week of April
The 1050 Anniversary of the Baptism of Poland
Opinions about Public Institutions
Attitude to Government in April
Opinions about When Abortions Should Be Allowed

Opinions about the circumstances in which having an abortion should be allowed are generally in keeping with the current law on the subject. There is widespread agreement that a woman should be able to terminate her pregnancy if it endangers her life, puts her health at risk, or if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest (80%, 71% and 73% respectively).
Of all the circumstances in which abortion is permitted by law, there is least acceptance of foetal abnormality as a reason for termination. Nevertheless, over half of respondents (53%) think that the procedure is also acceptable in this case (30% are of the opposite view).
According to the majority of respondents difficult financial or personal circumstances, or simply not wanting children, should not be grounds for a legal termination. Three out of four of those asked were against allowing abortions in these cases (75%, 75% and 76% respectively).
Rysunek 1

The above data comes from a ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey carried out in March 2016.

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