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"Opinions and Diagnoses"

no 37
Family PLUS. Situation of Polish Families and Opinions on Pro-Family Policy

no 38
Youth 2016


Attitude to Government in June
Opinions about Police, Prosecutor’s Office, Courts and Commissioner for Human Rights
Referendum on Constitution – First Reactions
Social Moods in June
Trust in Politicians in June
Representativeness of the Political Scene
Political Party Antipathies
Using Mobile Phones behind the Wheel
Perception of Poverty
Membership in Religious Movements and Communities
Attitude to Social Inequality
Driving Style in Poland
Social Moods: Quarterly Summary

Indicators of social moods used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances. In order to express the full dynamic of changes in social moods, this quarterly summary is presented in the form of mean assessments on a five-point scale from -2 to +2.
During the second quarter of 2017 evaluations of the political situation can be said to be slightly better than in the first quarter. Likewise, forecasts for the development of the political situation in Poland have been somewhat better in the last three months than at the beginning of the year. However, mean assessments in this area continue to be on the negative side, which indicates a slight dominance of pessimism over optimism.
Rysunek 1

Evaluations and forecasts of the economic situation have been on the plus side for many months and, in addition, both evaluations and forecasts in this area have been steadily improving.
Rysunek 2

On the other hand, when it comes to evaluations of the condition of respondents’ household finances, one can talk about a slight downward trend compared to the previous quarter, although forecasts in this area have maintained much the same level for the last six months, and are decidedly closer to zero than the evaluations. This means that respondents expect a continuation of the status quo rather than an improvement in the condition of their household finances.
Rysunek 3

Both assessments and forecasts for the situation in respondents’ workplaces have been reasonably stable and comparable to those registered during the first quarter of 2017. Most working people continue to assess positively the condition of the businesses that employ them and, on the whole, do not anticipate that this could change in any meaningful way during the coming year.
Rysunek 4

The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey carried out during the second quarter of 2017.

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