LATESTPUBLICATIONS "Opinions and Diagnoses" no 29
25 Years of Freedom – a Balance Sheet of Changes
no 30
Polish rural areas: changes, trends, stereotypes
no 31
Religiousness and Catholic Church Ten Years after John Paul II’s Death
Reports | Attitude to Government in April
 | Social Moods in April
 | Trust in Politicians in April
 | Opinions about Parliament, President and National Electoral Commission (PKW)
 | Presidential Election: Voting Confidence, Preferences of Undecided and Predictions
 | Knowledge about Improvements in Voting Accessibility before Presidential Election
 | Who is Going to Vote? Determinants of Participation in Presidential Election
 | Voters Decisions in Potential Second Round of Presidential Election
 | 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II
 | Country and Neighborhood Subjective Safety
 | Opinions about Trade Unions and Miners’ Protests
It Is Safe to Live in Poland
| In the last fifteen years opinion on safety in Poland has changed entirely. In the 1990’s vast majority of Poles was very critical on that matter, however, since 2001 proportion of the unsatisfied has been decreasing significantly and systematically. In 2007 the proportions switched. Currently two thirds of interviewees (66%) say that Poland is the country in which you can live safely while over a quarter (28%) oppose that opinion.
| More on that issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish: “Country and Neighborhood Subjective Safety”
| The data comes from the surveys “Current Problems and Events” conducted in years 1987–2015.