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Polish Public Opinion

February 2024

Perception of social conflicts
Opinions about local government
The ideal candidate for mayor or commune leader
Views on the regulation of abortion

"Opinions and Diagnoses"

no 51
Polish Voters 2023

no 52
Poles in the Face of War in Ukraine

no 53
Attitudes towards People with Disabilities


Activities in Civic Organizations
Electorates on the Right to Terminate Pregnancy
Assessment of the Importance of Elections
Attitude to Government in March
Trust in Politicians in March
Social Mood in March
Lent and Easter in 2024
Moods on the Job Market in March
Opinions about Public Institutions in March
What Kind of People Do We Want to Elect to the Authorities of Our Cities and Municipalities?
The war in Ukraine and NATO
Financial Situation of Households
Social Trust
Quarterly Balance of Social Mood
Do Polish People Think that a Russian Attack on NATO Countries Is Likely?

An increasing number of western experts, politicians and members of the armed forces have been talking about the possibility of a Russian attack on NATO countries, usually mentioning particular timescales within which such an attack could happen. These mostly range from three to eight years, although some give NATO even less time. What do the people CBOS asked think? It turns out that over a half of Polish people (57%) believe that a Russian attack on NATO countries is likely, with 14% thinking it is very likely. One in three of those surveyed (32%) are of the opposite opinion, though only 4% believe it to be quite unlikely. One in nine respondents (11%) have no opinion about this.
Rysunek 1

Those who think a Russian attack is unlikely tend to be younger, less religiously observant and more interested in politics. Fear of a Russian attack is strongest among Law and Justice voters and weakest among voters of the Confederation and the Left. In the latter two groups those who consider such an attack to be unlikely are in the majority.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
This ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey (407) was conducted using a mixed-mode procedure on a representative sample of named adult residents of Poland, randomly selected from the National Identity Number (PESEL) register. Respondents independently selected one of the following methods: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI); Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI), respondents receiving researchers’ telephone numbers in an introductory letter from CBOS; Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI), where respondents filled in the online questionnaire independently, gaining access by means of a login and password provided in an introductory letter from CBOS. In all three cases the questionnaire had the same structure and comprised the same questions. The survey was carried out between 7 – 17 March 2024 inclusive on a sample of 1089 people (60.8% using the CAPI method, 24.3% CATI and 14.9% CAWI). CBOS has been conducting statutory research using the above procedure since May 2020, stating in each case the percentage of personal, telephone and internet interviews.

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